Brett Kavanaugh Hearings

A week delay is fair in the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearings and the right thing at this time.
If Brett Kavanaugh is cleared, then the Democrats and #metoo supporters have to shut up about it all. If cleared, then the nonsense has to stop.
The Dems have to stop whining which is something they have been doing since election night.
If cleared, then move on.
Accept the fact that Kavanaugh will be a Supreme Court Justice.
That is how this country works.
We elect leaders to make decisions. President Trump made Kavanaugh his choice.
Also, let Trump do his job.
He was elected President of the United States no matter how any of us feel about it.
This two party against each other is making a laughingstock out of us all.
The resist movement has proven to be nothing but a chaotic mess.
It all has to stop.
Real fast.

George Vreeland Hill
